This step only needs to be done once. The standoffs can remain attached to the template permanently for subsequent iterations.
Identify the green Assembly Template. It has the part number TD-UCSE-D-AT printed on it.
Note the orientation of the board. The standoffs will be installed on the side that has THIS SIDE FACES DOWN printed on it.
Locate two M2.5 × 10 mm female standoffs.
Secure each standoff using one M2.5 × 6 mm pan head machine screw in each of the two locations shown.
Flip over the completed Assembly Template. It is now ready to be used.
Identify the Control Board assembly. It has part number TD-UCSE-D-CB printed on its bottom side.
For ease of access to the solder pads, place and solder the four through-hole components H1-4 before continuing this process.
Do not solder any of the following components yet.
Place the spacer onto switch component S1.
Place the combined spacer and switch onto the Control Board.
Place the four spacer components DS1-4 onto LED components D1-4.
Place the four combined spacers and LEDs onto the Control Board.
Place all of the remaining components onto the Control Board:
Place the twelve jack components J1-12.
Place the two button components S2 and S3.
Place the six potentiometer components P1-2,4-7.
Place the dual-gang potentiometer component P3.
The leads on component P3 must be bent in order for it to fit properly next to J6. Start by using pliers to straighten all of the leads, then re-bend all of the leads down as close to the body of the component as possible.
Locate the white plastic Assembly Spacer part.
Make sure that the flat side of the Assembly Spacer is facing up when orienting it relative to the Control Board.
Position the Assembly Spacer above the nine components P1-7 and S2-3 and slide it down onto them.
The Assembly Spacer should rest on top of the nine components with no gaps. All nine component shafts should be extending upwards through the Assembly Spacer as shown.
Insert wisdom here.